This takes a little more effort than planking! New craze of achieving the 'perfect splits' becomes a Chinese Internet hit


Stretch: This Chinese college student has become an internet sensation thanks to her spotless split

Planking looked difficult, but the super split is even worse.
This bizarre trend is sweeping through China where flocks of flexible women - and the occasional man and dog - show off their limber bodies on the internet.
According to Chinese news website Sina, a college student sparked the malleable meme when she posted this photo of her doing the splits in a dorm room on the Chinese microblogging site Weibo.

On a car: Wearing not very much, it's easy to get an idea why this picture is popular on the internet

Since then, many bendy girls across the country have followed in her flexible footsteps, posting their own versions of a spotless split.
And to prove just how casual this whole exercise is, some lithe ladies have even taken it further by carrying out daily activities like eating, chatting on the phone and hanging out at the office as they attempt the super stretch.

Dogs can do it too - as this pooch shows

It's not for everyone: This man tries his hand at the extreme split position

Sina, a college student sparked the malleable meme when she posted this photo of her doing the splits in a dorm room

Flocks of limber ladies have taken to a popular social networking site to show off their version of a perfect split

On the floor - and eating: This participant shows she can scoff her lunch and still perform the split

In pajamas: This girl chats on her phone as a photo is taken of her doing a split

Easy: Another girl shows she can do the splits, on her bunk bed

Ouch: This woman is very limber - she can stretch her split past 90 degrees

It's just another day at the office for this girl who does her split at work on two desks

source: dailymail


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